We believe in tradition and good practice, learned through innovative activities designed to launch us into the future. We believe in healthy soils, in natural goodness, in renewable energy. We believe in everyone’s right to quality, in facts over words. 

Certifications SQNPI – Bio – Biodiversity Friend® - Vegan

Our estate is certified by the SQNPI (Integrated Crop Management National Quality System) which guarantees that our agricultural practices are organic and have low environmental impact. We don’t use systemic herbicides (glyphosates), we don’t use weed killer and all our vines are cultivated using organic fertilisers. We are currently in the conversion phase of a move to 100% organic production while the first 17 hectares have been certified organic since the beginning of 2022.
Furthermore, since 2022, all of the company’s vineyards are certified BIODIVERSITY FRIEND® which is a certification standard that certifies the sustainability of agrosystems by assessing the impact of the production process on the biodiversity of the production area.
To meet the demands of our customers our wines are also Vegan certified.

Green manure and cover crops.

We use green manure, an essential part of restoring enriching matter to the soils, protecting the land from erosion and boosting levels of organic material (thereby reducing the need for copper). At the same time, we use different cover crops to improve soil fertility.

Underground irrigation.

We are particularly aware of saving water hence the installation of our subterranean irrigation system. Probes in the terrain allow us to check hydro stress levels for the vines and irrigate when needed with a system of channels using water from an artesian well. This means we only irrigate vines when required and our underground channel system takes water straight to their roots.

Clean energy.

Our key objective is to save energy: our solar panels produce most of the electricity we need and allow us to reduce CO2 emissions. 

Guyot and free cordon training systems

We keep yields per hectare low by using guyot or cordon free training systems which allow us to keep wine quality high.

Beneficial insects.

We introduce beneficial insects, natural predators for vine parasites, which means we don’t use chemical insecticides and pesticides.


16% of our land under vine is dedicated to PIWI vines – they’re organic, fungal resistant and allow us to significantly reduce the use of phytosanitary products.


We also harness GPS technology, using it for precise information on different vineyard areas which we then employ to manage them. This includes information on the vigour of the vines, permitting exact calculations on fertiliser use and harvest dates, further eliminating waste. Even our self-driving tractors use GPS as they move through the vineyards, fertilizing and de-leafing the vines where needed.

Drones and satellites.

Drones and satellites allow us to study the geomorphology of our soils thereby optimising efficient operations in the vines and further saving energy.

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